LEGION Simulator Help

Using Alternative Value Ranges

Alongside the Value Range you select for the general part of a map, you can also choose to highlight areas within the general map and apply an Alternative Value Range to them. When the map is generated it will display the principal range in the general part of the Map but it will display results which reflect your Alternative Value Range in the other designated area or areas.

Note: This feature is not available if you select a Colour Range on the 'Value and Colour Ranges' tab of a map's parameters.

There are many reasons why you might wish to do so. For example, you may wish to do this when you have Stairs or Escalators in your model because pedestrian movement is different on these objects to their movement on flat ground. Consequently, you may wish to apply one range to most of your map but display Fruin's 'LOS Stairs' range for the area of the map occupied by Stair objects.

LEGION Simulator knows where Stairs and Escalators are, so you don't need to demarcate these areas. However, for other areas of the model you will need to place an Analysis Zone so that LEGION Simulator knows which part of the space you wish to apply an Alternative Value Range to.

The following procedure assumes that your model contains Stairs, or Escalators, or has Analysis Zones in place.

To use an Alternative Value Range in a Map:

  1. Open a custom or standard Map.
  2. From the 'Area' drop-down list, select 'Whole Model', an Analysis Zone or 'Alternative Regions Only' (this third option will disable the 'Value and Colour Ranges' tab. This is because the generated Map will only use the Alternative Range you are about to select and does not need to know the general Value Range.
  3. If you selected 'Whole Model' or an Analysis Zone, click the 'Value and Colour Ranges' tab and ensure that you have the correct Value Range selected (it must be a Value Range and not a Colour Range).
  4. Click on the 'Alternative Value Ranges' tab.
  5. For Stairs, check the box labelled 'Use alternative Value Range for Stairs' and select a range from the drop-down list (this will apply to all Stairs in the simulation).
  6. For Stairs, check the box labelled 'Use alternative Value Range for Escalators' and select a range from the drop-down list (this will apply to all Escalators in the simulation).
  7. For Zones, check the box labelled 'Use alternative Value Ranges in these Analysis Zones' and select Zones and Ranges like this:
    • Click Add to add a new row for a Zone and its Value Range.
    • Double-click in the 'Analysis Zone' column and choose a zone from the drop-down list.
    • Double-click in the adjacent 'Value Range' column and choose a range from the drop-down list.
    • Repeat the three steps above for further Zones and Value Ranges.
  8. Click OK to save.
    Note: When you generate your map, the general area will reflect the Value Range you selected on the 'Value and Colour Ranges' tab but Stairs, Escalators and any selected Analysis Zones will reflect your Alternate Value Ranges. The exception is if you selected 'Alternative Regions Only' on the 'Parameters' tab, in which case only the areas specified in step 7 will display maps related to your selected ranges.

Overlapping Zones

There may be areas in your simulation where Analysis Zones overlap and where you may have selected different Value Ranges for each of them on the 'Alternative Value Ranges' tab. When the simulation is played back, and the maps displayed, you need to handle how the overlapping portion of the two zones is represented: should LEGION Simulator display the Value Range associated with Zone 1 or the one associated with Zone 2 in this region?

You can control this by ordering the rows in the 'Zones Value Range' portion of the dialog box. The ranges are calculated and displayed in the order they appear in the list, from top to bottom. So if Zone 1 is listed above Zone 2, the overlapping region will display Zone 1's Value Range. If you would prefer the overlapping region to display Zone 2's Value Range instead, highlight the Zone and then click the Up button until you have moved it above Zone 1 in the list. To move a row down, highlight it and click Down.